It didn’t make sense at first. Busy and stressed during the week, she felt worse at the weekends – when she had time to cook and eat well! Constant headaches and tiredness dragged her down and, as a keen runneChris Fenn Nutrionistr, even a relaxing jog didn’t shift her sore head. Her eating habits of quick sugary snacks and coffee at work meant that the headaches were due to caffeine withdrawal during the weekend. A few simple changes, and she describes her life as “joyful” now. What do you eat, and how do you feel? I can help you to understand how YOUR eating habits are affecting your health. If you are confused about food and nutrition information, I can explain the facts behind food labels. You will make better food choices – no longer muddled by myths and misunderstandings. I contribute to corporate health programmes and have helped stressed executives and athletes improve their mental and physical performance. My latest book “Grounds for Concern” is all about caffeine – and how it can drain your energy. See my website for more details, or send me an email to discuss your needs and book an appointment.

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